Have you ever been intimidated by a blank canvas? Art can be a daunting endeavor to many people, as our encounter of it might be limited to graded classes in school, where we never scored above a solid B+, or admiring masterpieces in a museum. Yet, making art does not have to be limited to the skilled, and it should definitely not be something scary or boring. Wild Paint House was started by someone who would not win any Pictionary games, yet loves the free, creative environment we set out to create dedicated to abstract art
We have all seen paintings sell for millions of dollars and thought “What, really?”. At the same time, I have been moved by the creations of someone completely unknown, selling their art at a humble street market, or a piece created at Wild Paint House. Art is subjective, and the value and beauty of a piece should not be measured by the price tag it commands.
Instead, at Wild Paint House, we believe that making art is all about leaning into your creativity, and embracing the freedom of expression. What colors are you feeling today, and what tools or techniques would you like to try? There is no right or wrong, and as you explore the process, you’ll start to realize that it’s really not that difficult after all. Your first time splatter painting or spin painting will definitely be fun, but you may feel a little lost. That’s normal! We did not learn to ride a bike or even something as simple as walking, without the first experience where we might have fallen flat on our face. The second canvas onwards, you would have developed more awareness - a better understanding of the possibilities and how the paint interacts with the canvas, and you’ll feel more in control. However, it all starts with the first step of recognizing the creativity that lives within you.
There is no right or wrong way to make art at Wild Paint House - everyone’s process is unique. Don’t be afraid to take risks and experiment, to push it one step further, but also know when to stop. Art develops your life skills in creativity, risk-taking, being open-minded, and that’s how you will grow as an artist and a person.